eller hur

Searched for eller hur in the dictionary.
English: haven't you, isn't it, right, don't you, German: nicht wahr, nicht, French: n'est-ce pas, Spanish: verdad, eh, Italian: vero, Bosnian: zar ne, Slovenian: a ne

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

eller hur Swedish

Bosnianzar ne
Englishhaven't you, isn't it, right, don't you
Frenchn'est-ce pas
Germannicht wahr, nicht
Sloveniana ne, kajnê
Spanishverdad, eh

eller hur? Swedish

Croatianzar nè?

Eller hur? Swedish

EnglishRight?, Didn't you?, Won't I?
FrenchN'est-ce pas?, Non?
GermanOder?, Nicht wahr?
Spanish¿Eh?, ¿Verdad?, ¿No?, ?No?

el horror Spanish


el horario Spanish

Swedishschemat, tidtabellen, schema