elles prennent

Searched for elles prennent in the dictionary.
Swedish: de tar

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

elles prennent French

Swedishde tar

elles viennent French

Swedishde kommer

elles perdent French

Swedishde förlorar

elles parlaient French

Swedishde talade

elles prétendent French

Swedishde påstår

elles parlent French

Swedishde pratar

elles parteut Swedish

Frenchde ger sig av

elles habitent French

Swedishde bor

elles punissent French

Swedishde straffar

elles vont Swedish

Frenchde åker

elles vont French

Swedishde går, de åker

elles font French

Swedishde gör, dom gör, de bakar, hon gör

elles finissent French

Swedishde slutar

elles vendraient French

Swedishde skulle sälja

elles finiraient French

Swedishde skulle sluta