en påse

Searched for en påse in the dictionary.
English: a bag of, German: eine Tüte

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

en påse Swedish

Englisha bag of
Germaneine Tüte

en pause Danish

Englisha break

en fågel Swedish

Frenchun oiseau
Lule Samilådde
Spanishun pájaro, un pajaro

en våg Swedish

Englisha pair of scales

en pojke Swedish

Frenchun garcon
Germanein Junge
Italianun ragazzo
Spanishun chico

en väg Swedish

Englisha road
Frenchun chemin

en pizza Swedish

Frenchune pizza

en fest Swedish

Frenchune fête
Germaneine Party
Spanishuna fiesta

en paj Swedish

Frenchune tarte

en passare Swedish

Englisha pair of compasses

en vägg Swedish

Frenchun mur

en buss Swedish

Frenchun autobus
Spanishun autobus, un autobús

en väska Swedish

Danishen taske
Frenchune valise
Lule Samivässko
Spanishuna mochila

en bäck Swedish

Lule Samijåhkå

en face French

Swedishmitt emot, mittemot

en bas French


en bois French

Germanaus Holz
Swedishav trä

en fisk Swedish

Frenchun poisson
Spanishun pez, un pescado

en fegis Swedish

Spanishun gallina, un cobarde

en bok Swedish

Englisha book
Frenchun livre
Spanishun libro

A maximum of 20 results are shown.