en seg person

Searched for en seg person in the dictionary.
English: stick in the mud

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

en seg person Swedish

Englishstick in the mud

en secreto Spanish

Swedishi hemlighet

en ese caso Spanish

Swedishi så fall

en syster Swedish

Englishone sister
Frenchune sœur, une soeur
Germaneine Schwester
Italianuna sorella

en secreterare Swedish

Frenchune secrétaire

en su casa Spanish

Swedishhemma hos henne, i hennes hus, hemma hos honom

en sueco Spanish

Swedishpå svenska

en seguida Spanish


einsegnen German


enseigner French


en ce cas French

Swedishi det fallet

en sygeplejerske Danish

Englisha nurse