ett träd

Searched for ett träd in the dictionary.
French: une arbre, un arbre, Spanish: un árbol

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

ett träd Swedish

Frenchune arbre, un arbre
Spanishun árbol

ett råd Swedish

Englisha piece of advice, word of advise

ett ord Swedish

Frenchun mot

ett rådhus Swedish

Frenchun hôtel de ville

etter at Norwegian


ett radhus Swedish

Spanishun chalé adosado, una casa adosada, un chale adosado

eitert German


ett år till Swedish

Englishone more year

e-trading English

Swedishdatoriserad aktiehandel

četrtek Slovenian
