Searched for existieren in the dictionary.
Swedish: exitera
existieren German | |
Swedish | exitera |
existir Spanish | |
Swedish | existera |
existera Swedish | |
English | exist, subsist |
Spanish | existir |
existerar Swedish | |
English | exists |
existing English | |
Swedish | befintlig, existerande |
existed English | |
Swedish | förekommit, funnits |
existens Swedish | |
English | subsistence |
existerande Swedish | |
English | existing |
existence English | |
Swedish | bestånd, tillvaro |
exist English | |
Japanese | ある, いる |
Swedish | existera, leva, finnas till, förekommer, förefinnas, finns, finnas |
exists English | |
Swedish | existerar, finns |
existencia Spanish | |
Swedish | tillvaro |
exicted English | |
Swedish | entusiastisk |
es ist fein German | |
English | it is fine |
exakthet Swedish | |
English | accuracy |
excised English | |
Swedish | urtagen, bortopererad |
exiciting English | |
Swedish | spännande |
egoistisk Swedish | |
English | egotistical, selfish |
Hungarian | egoista, önző |
egoistisch German | |
English | egoistic, egoistical, egoistically |
egoistical English | |
German | egoistisch |
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