Searched for exploratory in the dictionary.
Swedish: forsknings-
exploratory English | |
Swedish | forsknings- |
explanatory English | |
Swedish | förklarande |
explorative English | |
Swedish | utforskande |
exploatera Swedish | |
German | ausbeuten |
Spanish | beneficiar |
Swedish | utnyttja |
exploration English | |
German | Erforschung |
Swedish | utforskning, utforskande |
explorer English | |
Swedish | upptäcktsresande, upptäcksresande, utforskare, upptäckare, forskningsresande, upptäckresande |
explotar Spanish | |
Swedish | utnyttja |
exploatör Swedish | |
English | exploiter |
exploiter English | |
Swedish | exploatör, utsugare |
explicar Spanish | |
German | erklären |
Swedish | förklara |
explosion English | |
Swedish | krevad, explosion |
explosivo Spanish | |
Czech | výbušnina |
Danish | sprængstof |
Dutch | explosieve stof |
English | explosive |
Finnish | räjähdysaine |
French | explosif |
German | Sprengstoff |
Greek | εκρηκτικές ύλες |
Hungarian | robbanóanyag |
Italian | esplosivo |
Latvian | sprāgstviela |
Polish | materiał wybuchowy |
Portuguese | explosivo |
Slovenian | razstrelivo |
Swedish | sprängämne |
explodera Swedish | |
English | blow up, blow out, fulminate, explode, burst, go off |
French | exploser |
German | explodieren |
Spanish | estallar |
exploitative English | |
Swedish | utnyttja, utnyttjande |
explores English | |
Swedish | utforskar |
explicitly English | |
Swedish | uttryckligen, tydligt |
exploit English | |
Swedish | bedrift, utnyttja, uttnyttja |
exploitation English | |
Swedish | utnyttjande |
exploited English | |
Swedish | utnyttjad |
exploatation English | |
Swedish | utnyttjande |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.