fælles organ

Searched for fælles organ in the dictionary.

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

fælles organ Danish

Czechkomunitární organizace
Dutchcommunautair organisme
EnglishCommunity body
Finnishyhteisön laitos
Frenchorganisme communautaire
Greekκoιvoτικός oργαvισμός
Hungarianközösségi hivatal
Italianorganismo comunitario
LatvianKopienas struktūrvienība
Polishorgany Wspólnot Europejskich
Portugueseorganismo comunitário
Slovenianorgan Skupnosti
Spanishorganismo comunitario

flaskorna Swedish

Germandie Flaschen

föll i gråt Swedish

Englishburst into tears

fully grown English

Swedishfullväxt, fullvuxen

full-screen English
