Searched for fött in the dictionary.
English: borne
fött Swedish | |
English | borne |
fått Swedish | |
English | got, had, received, gotten |
French | recu |
German | bekommen |
fett Swedish | |
English | fat, grease |
French | matiere grasse |
German | fett |
Croatian | mást |
fett German | |
English | fat, greasy |
Swedish | fett, fet |
föda Swedish | |
Czech | výživa |
Danish | ernæring |
Dutch | voeding |
English | birth, give bearth to, give birth to, feed, nourishment, nutrition, breed, victuals |
Finnish | ravitsemus |
French | nutrition, accoucher de, aliment, alimentation |
German | Ernährung |
Greek | θρέψη |
Hungarian | táplálkozás |
Italian | nutrizione |
Latin | gignere |
Latvian | uzturs |
Polish | żywność |
Portuguese | nutrição |
Slovenian | prehrana |
Spanish | nutrición |
fête French | |
Swedish | namnsdag |
född Swedish | |
English | born, née |
French | né |
German | geboren |
Italian | nato, nato nata |
fit English | |
Finnish | mahtua |
German | anmessen, anpassen, ausstatten, sitzen, tauglich |
Swedish | passa, i god form, passar, sticka in, i form, få ett anfall, utbrott, passade, sätta dit, vältränad, passa in, lämplig, duglig, anfall, attack, i bra form, få plats, spänstig, sätta ihop, passande |
fate English | |
Swedish | förutbestämt öde, öde, lott, fördärv, undergång, ödet |
fatty English | |
Swedish | fet, fetthaltig, fettrik |
feat English | |
Swedish | bragd, dåd, kraftprov, prestation |
fete English | |
Swedish | fira |
fot Swedish | |
English | foot, feet |
Finnish | jalka |
French | pied |
German | Fuss |
Italian | piede |
Japanese | あし |
Latin | pes |
Russian | нога |
Slovenian | noga |
Spanish | pie, un pie, base |
Fett German | |
English | grease |
feet English | |
German | Füße |
Swedish | fötter, fot |
fate Italian | |
Swedish | gör ni |
fatto Italian | |
Swedish | har gjort |
foot French | |
Swedish | fotboll |
fait French | |
Swedish | gjort |
fedt Danish | |
Swedish | skönt, ballt |
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