forest fire
Searched for forest fire in the dictionary.
Swedish: skogsbrand
forest fire English | |
Swedish | skogsbrand |
forstyrre Danish | |
Swedish | störa |
forstorre Norwegian | |
Swedish | göra större |
forstyrre Norwegian | |
Swedish | störa |
forest warden English | |
Swedish | skogsvaktare |
first time English | |
Swedish | första gången |
first name English | |
Russian | имя |
Swedish | förnamn |
forests English | |
Swedish | skogar |
forest ranger English | |
Czech | lesní stráž |
Danish | skovovervågning |
Dutch | boswachter |
Finnish | metsänvartija |
French | garde forestier |
German | Forstaufseher |
Greek | δασoφύλακας |
Hungarian | erdész |
Italian | guardia forestale |
Latvian | mežsargs |
Polish | straż leśna |
Portuguese | guarda-florestal |
Slovenian | gozdni nadzornik |
Spanish | guarda forestal |
Swedish | skogvaktare |
foresta Italian | |
Czech | les |
Danish | skov |
Dutch | bos |
English | forest |
Finnish | metsä |
French | forêt |
German | Wald |
Greek | δάσoς |
Hungarian | erdő |
Latvian | mežs |
Polish | las |
Portuguese | floresta |
Slovenian | gozd |
Spanish | monte |
Swedish | skog |
forested English | |
German | bewaldet |
frostbite English | |
Swedish | frostskador, förfrysning |
first aid English | |
Czech | první pomoc |
Danish | førstehjælp |
Dutch | eerste hulp |
Finnish | ensiapu |
French | premiers secours |
German | Erste Hilfe, erste Hilfe |
Greek | πρώτες βoήθειες |
Hungarian | elsősegély |
Italian | pronto soccorso |
Latvian | pirmā palīdzība |
Polish | pierwsza pomoc |
Portuguese | primeiros socorros |
Slovenian | prva pomoč |
Spanish | primeros auxilios |
Swedish | första hjälpen, först hjälpen, första hjäpen |
forestall English | |
Swedish | föregripa |
forest English | |
Czech | les |
Danish | skov |
Dutch | bos |
Finnish | metsä |
French | forêt |
German | Forst, Wald |
Greek | δάσoς |
Hungarian | erdő |
Italian | foresta |
Latvian | mežs |
Polish | las |
Portuguese | floresta |
Slovenian | gozd |
Spanish | monte |
Swedish | skog |
forhistorie Danish | |
Czech | prehistorie |
Dutch | prehistorie |
English | prehistory |
Finnish | esihistoria |
French | préhistoire |
German | Vorgeschichte |
Greek | πρoϊστoρία |
Hungarian | őstörténet |
Italian | preistoria |
Latvian | EMS pirmā stadija |
Polish | prehistoria |
Portuguese | Pré-História |
Slovenian | prazgodovina |
Spanish | prehistoria |
Swedish | förhistoria |
forestalls English | |
Swedish | förebygger |
forstuve Danish | |
Swedish | stuka |
fireside English | |
Swedish | spiselvrå |
frestelse Swedish | |
English | temptation |
German | Anfechtung |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.