Searched for forthcoming in the dictionary.
Swedish: förestående, kommande
forthcoming English | |
Swedish | förestående, kommande |
fortkörning Swedish | |
English | speeding |
förteckning Swedish | |
Czech | seznam |
Danish | fortegnelse |
Dutch | zaakregister |
English | list, directory, records, record, register |
Finnish | hakemisto |
French | répertoire |
German | Verzeichnis, Verzeichnis- |
Greek | ευρετήριo |
Hungarian | repertórium |
Italian | repertorio |
Latvian | direktorijs |
Polish | wykaz |
Portuguese | repertório |
Russian | перечень |
Slovenian | razvid |
Spanish | repertorio |
fortgehen German | |
English | depart |
foretoken English | |
Swedish | varsel, varsla |
fertig German | |
English | finished, ready, done |
Swedish | färdigt, färdig |
frodig Swedish | |
English | rampant, buxom, lush |
fortsättning Swedish | |
English | sequel, continuation, resumption |
förtöjning Swedish | |
French | amarrage, amarre |
Fortschritt German | |
English | progress |
French | progrès |
fortsetzen German | |
Swedish | fortsätta |
fortissimo Italian | |
Swedish | mycket starkt |
fortskrida Swedish | |
English | progress |
förtjusning Swedish | |
English | thrill, delight, rapture, relish, elation |
Swedish | hänförelse |
furthest English | |
Swedish | borterst |
fortês French | |
Swedish | skogar |
fortegnelse Danish | |
Czech | seznam |
Dutch | zaakregister |
English | directory |
Finnish | hakemisto |
French | répertoire |
German | Verzeichnis |
Greek | ευρετήριo |
Hungarian | repertórium |
Italian | repertorio |
Latvian | direktorijs |
Polish | wykaz |
Portuguese | repertório |
Slovenian | razvid |
Spanish | repertorio |
Swedish | förteckning |
fruit-growing English | |
Czech | pěstování ovoce |
Danish | frugtavl |
Dutch | fruitteelt |
Finnish | hedelmänviljely |
French | culture fruitière |
German | Obstbau |
Greek | καλλιέργεια oπωρoφόρωv δέvδρωv |
Hungarian | gyümölcstermesztés |
Italian | frutticoltura |
Latvian | augļkopība |
Polish | sadownictwo |
Portuguese | fruticultura |
Slovenian | sadjarstvo |
Spanish | fruticultura |
Swedish | fruktodling |
four thousand English | |
German | viertausend |
fortasse Latin | |
German | vielleicht |
Swedish | kanske |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.