Searched for fortskrida in the dictionary.
English: progress
fortskrida Swedish | |
English | progress |
fortskridande Swedish | |
Latin | progressus |
fortsätta Swedish | |
English | carry on, continue, keep on, proceed, go on, proceeding, prosecute, move on, trail on, go on and on, resume |
French | continuer, contineur |
German | dabei bleiben, fortsetzen |
Italian | continuare |
Spanish | siguir, continuar, seguir |
fortsatt Swedish | |
English | continued |
fortissimo Italian | |
Swedish | mycket starkt |
fortsetzen German | |
Swedish | fortsätta |
Fortschritt German | |
English | progress |
French | progrès |
forts English | |
Swedish | borgar |
fartygssida Swedish | |
Spanish | bordo |
fortsätt Swedish | |
English | carry on, carry-on, go ahead, go on |
fortsatte Swedish | |
English | went on, kept |
fortsatt Norwegian | |
Spanish | todavia |
fortgehen German | |
English | depart |
foretoken English | |
Swedish | varsel, varsla |
fertig German | |
English | finished, ready, done |
Swedish | färdigt, färdig |
fortgående Swedish | |
German | andauernd |
forthcoming English | |
Swedish | förestående, kommande |
fortkörning Swedish | |
English | speeding |
fortês French | |
Swedish | skogar |
fortsätter Swedish | |
English | goes, continue, goes on, continues |
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