fri sjöfart

Searched for fri sjöfart in the dictionary.
English: freedom of navigation, German: Freiheit der Schifffahrt, French: liberté de navigation, Spanish: libertad de navegación, Italian: libertà di navigazione

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

fri sjöfart Swedish

Czechsvoboda plavby
Danishfri sejlads
Dutchvrijheid van navigatie
Englishfreedom of navigation
Finnishmerenkulun vapaus
Frenchliberté de navigation
GermanFreiheit der Schifffahrt
Greekελευθερία vαυσιπλoΐας
Hungarianhajózás szabadsága
Italianlibertà di navigazione
Latviankuģošanas brīvība
Polishwolność żeglugi
Portugueseliberdade de navegação
Sloveniansvoboda plovbe
Spanishlibertad de navegación

frispark Swedish


fri svarspost Swedish


fri kvot Swedish

Englishunrestricted quota

försvarbart Swedish


friskvård Swedish

Englishpreventive health care

frysa bort Swedish


frisk frugt Danish

Czechčerstvé ovoce
Dutchvers fruit
Englishfresh fruit
Finnishtuore hedelmä
Frenchfruit frais
Greekvωπός καρπός
Hungarianfriss gyümölcs
Italianfrutta fresca
Latviansvaigi augļi
Polishowoce świeże
Portuguesefruto fresco
Sloveniansveže sadje
Spanishfruta fresca
Swedishfärsk frukt