han duger
Searched for han duger in the dictionary.
Spanish: vale
han duger Swedish | |
Spanish | vale |
hun dusjer Norwegian | |
German | sie duscht |
han dog Swedish | |
Spanish | murió |
handduken Swedish | |
English | the towel |
French | la serviette |
German | das Hantuch, das Handtuch |
Spanish | la toalla |
han teg Swedish | |
German | er schwieg |
hon dog Swedish | |
Spanish | murió |
handuk Swedish | |
English | tea towel, towel |
han duschar Swedish | |
Spanish | se ducha |
handsken Swedish | |
English | the glove |
French | le gant |
German | die Handschuh |
handtaget Swedish | |
French | la poignée |
handduk Swedish | |
English | towel |
German | Handtuch |
Italian | asciugamano |
Croatian | rùčnik, ćebe |
Spanish | toalla |
handgun English | |
German | die Handwaffe |
Swedish | pistol |
han tycker Swedish | |
Spanish | piensa |
handset English | |
Swedish | telefonlur |
hindujec Slovenian | |
Czech | hinduista |
Danish | hindu |
Dutch | hindoe |
English | Hindu |
Finnish | hindu |
French | hindouiste |
German | Hindu |
Greek | ιvδoυιστής |
Hungarian | hindu |
Italian | induista |
Latvian | hinduists |
Polish | hinduiści |
Portuguese | hinduísta |
Spanish | hinduista |
Swedish | hindu |
handskar Swedish | |
English | gloves, golves |
German | Handschuhe |
handske Swedish | |
English | glove |
Spanish | guantos |
handicap English | |
Swedish | handikapp |
handkyss Swedish | |
Spanish | besamanos |
hinduizem Slovenian | |
Czech | hinduismus |
Danish | hinduisme |
Dutch | hindoeïsme |
English | Hinduism |
Finnish | hindulaisuus |
French | hindouisme |
German | Hinduismus |
Greek | ιvδoυισμός |
Hungarian | hinduizmus |
Italian | induismo |
Latvian | hinduisms |
Polish | hinduizm |
Portuguese | hinduísmo |
Spanish | hinduismo |
Swedish | hinduism |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.