heltids- Swedish |
English | full-time, full time |
heltid Swedish |
English | full-time, full time |
French | à plein temps |
German | full-time |
hela tiden Swedish |
English | constantly, the entire period, all the time, all the times, permanently, throughout, all long, all this time |
French | tout le temps, sans cesse |
German | dauernd, die ganze Zeit, andauernd |
Italian | sempre |
Spanish | todo el tiempo |
haltade Swedish |
English | limped |
held out English |
Swedish | höll ut, sträckte ut |
hledat Czech |
English | look |
heltidsarbete Swedish |
Czech | plný pracovní úvazek |
Danish | heltidsarbejde |
Dutch | volledige betrekking |
English | full-time employment |
Finnish | kokopäivätyö |
French | travail à plein-temps |
German | Vollzeitarbeit |
Greek | εργασία πλήρoυς απασχόλησης |
Hungarian | teljes munkaidőben történő foglalkoztatás |
Italian | lavoro a tempo pieno |
Latvian | pilnslodzes nodarbinātība |
Polish | praca na pełnym etacie |
Portuguese | trabalho a tempo completo |
Slovenian | zaposlitev s polnim delovnim časom |
Spanish | trabajo a tiempo completo |
hold out English |
Swedish | hålla ut, hålla fram |
health aid English |
Czech | zdravotní pomoc |
Danish | bistand på sundhedsområdet |
Dutch | gezondheidshulp |
Finnish | apu terveydenhoidon alalla |
French | aide sanitaire |
German | Hilfe im Gesundheitswesen |
Greek | υγειovoμική βoήθεια |
Hungarian | egészségügyi segély |
Italian | aiuto sanitario |
Latvian | medicīniskā palīdzība |
Polish | pomoc medyczna |
Portuguese | ajuda sanitária |
Slovenian | zdravstvena pomoč |
Spanish | ayuda sanitaria |
Swedish | hälso- och sjukvårdsbistånd |
hold it English |
Swedish | stopp ett tag |
heltidsstudent Swedish |
English | full-time student |
heltidsstudier Swedish |
English | full-time studies |
heltidsarbejde Danish |
Czech | plný pracovní úvazek |
Dutch | volledige betrekking |
English | full-time employment |
Finnish | kokopäivätyö |
French | travail à plein-temps |
German | Vollzeitarbeit |
Greek | εργασία πλήρoυς απασχόλησης |
Hungarian | teljes munkaidőben történő foglalkoztatás |
Italian | lavoro a tempo pieno |
Latvian | pilnslodzes nodarbinātība |
Polish | praca na pełnym etacie |
Portuguese | trabalho a tempo completo |
Slovenian | zaposlitev s polnim delovnim časom |
Spanish | trabajo a tiempo completo |
Swedish | heltidsarbete |