Searched for honteuse in the dictionary.
Swedish: skamlig
honteuse French | |
Swedish | skamlig |
honteux French | |
Swedish | skamlig |
hunts English | |
Swedish | jagar |
hendes Danish | |
English | her |
hints English | |
German | Tips |
Swedish | tips |
hun dusjer Norwegian | |
German | sie duscht |
handiest English | |
German | am handlichsten |
handuk Swedish | |
English | tea towel, towel |
hon dog Swedish | |
Spanish | murió |
han teg Swedish | |
German | er schwieg |
hon tyckte Swedish | |
English | she thought |
handguns English | |
German | die Handwaffen |
hinduisk Swedish | |
English | hindu |
handsome English | |
Czech | hezký |
German | ansehnlich, anständig, gutaussehend, hübsch, stattlich |
Spanish | guapo |
Swedish | snygg, stilig, vacker, stiligt |
handgun English | |
German | die Handwaffe |
Swedish | pistol |
handset English | |
Swedish | telefonlur |
han duger Swedish | |
Spanish | vale |
handcuff English | |
German | Handschellen anlegen |
Swedish | handklove, handboja, lägga handbojor på |
handsame English | |
Swedish | ståtlig |
handkyss Swedish | |
Spanish | besamanos |
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