i otakt
Searched for i otakt in the dictionary.
English: out of time
i otakt Swedish | |
English | out of time |
i taket Swedish | |
German | an der Decke |
i taget Swedish | |
English | at a time |
i takt med Swedish | |
English | in time to |
I take it English | |
Swedish | jag utgår ifrån |
it stands English | |
Swedish | det står |
idézet Hungarian | |
Czech | citát |
Danish | citat |
Dutch | citaat |
English | quote |
Finnish | lainaus |
French | citation |
German | Zitat |
Greek | βιβλιoγραφική αvαφoρά |
Italian | citazione |
Latvian | citāts |
Polish | cytat |
Portuguese | citação |
Slovenian | dobesedni navedek |
Spanish | citación |
Swedish | citat |
idustria Swedish | |
Spanish | la industria |
i tystnad Swedish | |
French | en silence |
it's hot English | |
French | il fait chaud |
Swedish | det är varmt |
it is hot English | |
Swedish | det är varmt |
it's got English | |
Swedish | den har |
it is true English | |
Swedish | det är riktigt, det är sant |
it's time English | |
Swedish | det är dags |
It's got English | |
Swedish | den har, den har fått |
it's stuck English | |
Swedish | den har fastnat |