in the meantime

Searched for in the meantime in the dictionary.
Swedish: under tiden, samtidigt

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

in the meantime English

Swedishunder tiden, samtidigt

in the morning English

GermanMorgens, am Morgen, morgens
Spanishde la mañana
Swedishpå morgonen, på förmiddagen

in the end English

Swedishtill slut, i längden, på slutet

in the winter English

Swedishpå vintern

in the movies English

Swedishinom filmen

in the middle English

Swedishi mitten, mitt på, i mittten

in the end of English

Swedishi slutet av

in the nick English


in the winter English

Swedishpå vintern

inte mindre Swedish

Englishno less

inattentive English


in the mood for English

Swedishupplagd för

in the mood English

Swedishpå humör

in no time English

Swedishpå nolltid