Searched for istutus in the dictionary.
English: plantation, German: Anpflanzung, French: plantation, Spanish: plantación, Italian: piantagione, Greek: φυτεία, Czech: výsadba, Danish: beplantning
istutus Finnish | |
Czech | výsadba |
Danish | beplantning |
Dutch | aanplant |
English | plantation |
French | plantation |
German | Anpflanzung |
Greek | φυτεία |
Hungarian | ültetvény |
Italian | piantagione |
Latvian | stādījums |
Polish | sadzenie |
Portuguese | plantação |
Slovenian | nasad |
Spanish | plantación |
Swedish | plantering |
istiden Swedish | |
English | ice age, Ice Age |
istid Swedish | |
English | ice age, glacial period |
istadig Swedish | |
English | balky |
istedet Norwegian | |
Swedish | istället |
i staden Swedish | |
French | en ville |
German | in der Stadt |
Croatian | u grádu |
Spanish | en la ciudad |
I study English | |
Finnish | opiskelen |
io studio Italian | |
Swedish | jag studerar |
izdatek Slovenian | |
Czech | výdaj |
Danish | udgift |
Dutch | uitgaven |
English | expenditure |
Finnish | menot |
French | dépense |
German | Ausgabe |
Greek | δαπάvη |
Hungarian | kiadás |
Italian | spesa |
Latvian | izdevumi |
Polish | wydatek |
Portuguese | despesa |
Spanish | gasto |
Swedish | utgift |
is situated English | |
Swedish | ligger, befinner sig, är belägen |
istutusmetsä Finnish | |
Czech | lesní výsadba |
Danish | kulturskov |
Dutch | cultuurbos |
English | forest plantation |
French | forêt plantée |
German | angelegter Wald |
Greek | φυτευμέvo δάσoς |
Hungarian | erdőültetvény |
Italian | area boscata |
Latvian | meža stādījums |
Polish | plantacja leśna |
Portuguese | floresta plantada |
Slovenian | gozdni nasad |
Spanish | bosque plantado |
Swedish | kulturskog |
i god tid Swedish | |
English | in an orderly manner, betimes |
German | rechtzeitig |
i häktet Swedish | |
English | in custody |
Is that so? English | |
Finnish | Vai niin? |
Swedish | Verkligen? |