jag bor i

Searched for jag bor i in the dictionary.
German: ich wohne in, Spanish: vivo en

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

jag bor i Swedish

Germanich wohne in
Spanishvivo en

jag bor Swedish

Frenchj'habite, j'habit
Germanich whone, ich wohne
Italianabito, io abito
Persianzendegi mikonam
Spanishvivo, yo vivo

jag bor med Swedish

Spanishvivo con

jag bor ... Swedish

Germanich wohne ...

jaga bort Swedish

Englishdissipate, chase away, chase off, banish

Jag bor Swedish


jag ber Swedish


jag vore Swedish

Germanich wäre

jag bär Swedish

Spanishyo llevo, traigo

jag sover Swedish

EnglishI'm asleep
Germanich schlafe
Russianя сплю

jag far Swedish


jag var Swedish

EnglishI was
Germanich war
Spanishestuve, estaba, era

jag bör Swedish

Frenchje dois

jag bor i ... Swedish

Frenchj'habite à ...
Spanishvivo en ...

jag brukar Swedish

EnglishI usually

jag frös Swedish

Frenchj'avais froid

jag börjar Swedish

EnglishI'll start, I begin
Spanishempiezo, ponerse, comienzo, empiezo yo

jag svarar Swedish

Finnishminä vastaan
Frenchje réponds

jag hoppar Swedish


jag provar Swedish

Russianя пробую

A maximum of 20 results are shown.