jag har bränt mig

Searched for jag har bränt mig in the dictionary.
Spanish: me he quemado

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

jag har bränt mig Swedish

Spanishme he quemado

jag har bränt mej Swedish

Spanishme he quemado

jag har bråttom Swedish

Spanishtengo prisa

jag har på mig Swedish

EnglishI'm wearing

jag har fått nog Swedish

EnglishI have had it, I´ve had enough, I've had enough, I've had it, i ve had it
Frenchj'en ai ras le bol, j'en ai marre

Jag har bråttom Swedish

SlovenianMudi se mi

jag har brutit Swedish

Germanich habe gebrochen

jag har varit i Swedish

EnglishI have been to

jag har fått mejl Swedish

EnglishI've got mail