Searched for joie in the dictionary.
Swedish: glädje
joie French | |
Swedish | glädje |
joue French | |
Swedish | kind |
još Bosnian | |
Swedish | till |
jahe Estonian | |
English | cool |
je Croatian | |
German | ist |
Swedish | är |
jouw Dutch | |
German | dein |
jou Dutch | |
German | du, dir, dich |
je Dutch | |
German | du |
je Czech | |
English | he is, she is, it is |
jsi Czech | |
English | you are |
joo Finnish | |
German | ja |
jo Finnish | |
English | already |
German | schon, bereits |
je Slovenian | |
Swedish | är, han är, hon är, den är, det är, äter |
joy English | |
Swedish | fröjdas, glädjas, fröjd, glädje |
jo Swedish | |
English | yes, well |
Spanish | bueno, pues, pues si |
joey English | |
Swedish | unge, känguruunge |
jaa Japanese | |
English | then, if that is the case |
jê Slovenian | |
Swedish | är |
juha Slovenian | |
Swedish | soppa |
jay English | |
Swedish | nötskrika, mötskrika |
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