judiciel domstol
Searched for judiciel domstol in the dictionary.
English: ordinary court of law, German: ordentliche Gerichtsbarkeit, French: juridiction judiciaire, Spanish: jurisdicción judicial, Italian: giurisdizione giudiziaria
judiciel domstol Danish | |
Czech | obecný soud |
Dutch | judiciële rechtspraak |
English | ordinary court of law |
Finnish | tuomioistuimet |
French | juridiction judiciaire |
German | ordentliche Gerichtsbarkeit |
Greek | τακτικό δικαστήριo |
Hungarian | rendes bíráskodás |
Italian | giurisdizione giudiziaria |
Latvian | vispārējas piekritības tiesa |
Polish | sądownictwo powszechne |
Portuguese | jurisdição comum |
Slovenian | redno sodišče |
Spanish | jurisdicción judicial |
Swedish | allmän domstol |
judicial system English | |
Swedish | rättsystem |
judicial power English | |
Czech | soudní pravomoc |
Danish | dømmende myndighed |
Dutch | rechterlijke macht |
Finnish | tuomiovalta |
French | pouvoir judiciaire |
German | richterliche Gewalt |
Greek | δικαστική εξoυσία |
Hungarian | bírói hatalom |
Italian | potere giudiziario |
Latvian | tiesu vara |
Polish | władza sądownicza |
Portuguese | poder judicial |
Slovenian | sodna oblast |
Spanish | poder judicial |
Swedish | dömande makt |
judical system English | |
Swedish | rättssystem |