la unidad
Searched for la unidad in the dictionary.
Swedish: enigheten
la unidad Spanish | |
Swedish | enigheten |
la mitad Spanish | |
Swedish | hälften |
la humedad Spanish | |
Swedish | fuktigheten |
landat Swedish | |
English | landed |
landade Swedish | |
English | landed |
landed English | |
German | landete |
Swedish | landat, landade |
landet Swedish | |
English | the countryside, the country, the contryside |
French | campagne, le pays, la campagne |
German | das Land -er+, das Land |
Italian | paese, il paese |
Spanish | campo, el país, el campo |
leendet Swedish | |
English | the smile |
French | le sourire |
German | das Lächeln, das Lächlen |
limited English | |
German | begrenzt, beschränkt |
Swedish | begränsad |
landete German | |
English | landed |
la natation French | |
Swedish | simning |