look happy

Searched for look happy in the dictionary.
Swedish: se glad ut, se lycklig ut

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

look happy English

Swedishse glad ut, se lycklig ut

look up English

Swedishtitta upp

lock up English

Swedishlåsa in, låsa, stänga

läs upp Swedish

Englishread it out

lysa upp Swedish

Englishkindle, flood, illuminate, light up

löksoppa Swedish

Englishonion soup

lo sabe Spanish

Swedishvet det

lockup English

Swedishlåsbar, arrest

less på Swedish

Englishsick of, tired of, fed up with, sick off

la sopa Spanish


la soupe French


le café French

Swedishkaffet, kaféet, kafeét

la cave French


la jupe French

Swedishkjolen, skolen

la coppia Italian


log off English

Swedishlogga ut

la copa Spanish


los sube Spanish

Swedishhan bär upp dem

låsa upp Swedish


lack of English

Swedishbrist på

A maximum of 20 results are shown.