mètre carré
Searched for mètre carré in the dictionary.
mètre carré French | |
Swedish | kvadratmeter |
motor car English | |
Czech | automobil |
Danish | automobil |
Dutch | automobiel |
Finnish | auto |
French | automobile |
German | Automobil |
Greek | αυτoκίvητo |
Hungarian | autó |
Italian | automobile |
Latvian | automobilis |
Polish | samochód |
Portuguese | automóvel |
Slovenian | avtomobil |
Spanish | automóvil |
Swedish | bil |
metrisch German | |
English | metric |
metres English | |
Swedish | meter |
motor-car English | |
Swedish | bil |
meteoric English | |
Swedish | oerhörd, kometartad, meteor- |
matricide English | |
Swedish | modermördare |
matrecept Swedish | |
English | recipe, receipe |
meters English | |
Swedish | meter |
metric English | |
German | metrisch |
Swedish | meter |
matrester Swedish | |
English | left-overs, food scraps, leftovers |
medryckande Swedish | |
English | inspiring |
meträss Swedish | |
Spanish | barragana |
mother snake English | |
Swedish | mamma orm |
matiere grasse French | |
Swedish | fett |
metro cúbico Spanish | |
Swedish | kvadratmeter |
matrícula Spanish | |
Swedish | registrering, registreringsnummer |
meterse en Spanish | |
Swedish | lägga sig i, blanda sig i |
matriser Swedish | |
English | matrices |
metro station English | |
Czech | stanice metra |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.