Searched for matrecept in the dictionary.
English: recipe, receipe
matrecept Swedish | |
English | recipe, receipe |
matrest Swedish | |
English | leftovers |
matrices English | |
Swedish | matriser |
matrikel Danish | |
Czech | katastr nemovitostí |
Dutch | kadaster |
English | land register |
Finnish | kiinteistörekisteri |
French | cadastre |
German | Kataster |
Greek | δημόσιo κτηματoλόγιo |
Hungarian | ingatlan-nyilvántartás |
Italian | catasto |
Latvian | zemes reģistrs |
Polish | kataster |
Portuguese | cadastro |
Slovenian | zemljiški kataster |
Spanish | catastro |
Swedish | fastighetsregister |
matrikel Swedish | |
French | annuaire |
Swedish | namnförteckning |
matrester Swedish | |
English | left-overs, food scraps, leftovers |
matricide English | |
Swedish | modermördare |
matriser Swedish | |
English | matrices |
matrícula Spanish | |
Swedish | registrering, registreringsnummer |
matters English | |
Swedish | stoffet |
matriculate English | |
Swedish | skriva in sig vid universitet |
metres English | |
Swedish | meter |
motherese English | |
Swedish | amningsspråk |
myterist Swedish | |
English | mutineer |
metric English | |
German | metrisch |
Swedish | meter |
matros Swedish | |
English | seaman, seafarer |
mattresses English | |
Swedish | madrasser |
matrix English | |
German | Matritze |
Swedish | matris |
Matrose German | |
English | sailor |
mattress English | |
Spanish | colchón |
Swedish | madrass |
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