mitt i stan
Searched for mitt i stan in the dictionary.
English: in the heart of the town
mitt i stan Swedish | |
English | in the heart of the town |
mitt i staden Swedish | |
Swedish | centrum |
mot öster Swedish | |
English | eastward |
mitigate English | |
Swedish | mildra |
meat stew English | |
Swedish | köttgryta |
muodostaa Finnish | |
German | bilden, formen |
metsästys Finnish | |
Czech | lov |
Danish | jagt |
Dutch | jacht |
English | hunting |
French | chasse |
German | Jagd |
Greek | κυvήγι |
Hungarian | vadászat |
Italian | caccia |
Latvian | medības |
Polish | polowanie |
Portuguese | caça |
Slovenian | lov |
Spanish | caza |
Swedish | jakt |
metsitys Finnish | |
Czech | zalesňování |
Danish | tilplantning med skov |
Dutch | bebossing |
English | afforestation |
French | boisement |
German | Aufforstung |
Greek | δάσωση |
Hungarian | erdőtelepítés |
Italian | imboschimento |
Latvian | apmežošana |
Polish | zalesianie |
Portuguese | arborização |
Slovenian | pogozdovanje |
Spanish | reforestación |
Swedish | skogsplantering |
Mittagstunde German | |
English | lunch-time |
midst English | |
German | inmitten[Preposition] |
Swedish | mitt i |
med ost Swedish | |
Italian | al formaggio |
Spanish | de queso, con, de pueso |
modigt möta Swedish | |
French | affronter |
motsatsen Swedish | |
English | the opposite, the reverse |
French | le contraine |
German | der Gegensatz |
Spanish | lo contrario |
modist Swedish | |
English | milliner |
matgäst Swedish | |
English | table-boarder, diner |
med texten Swedish | |
English | marked |
middagstid Swedish | |
English | dinner time, noon |
motstå Swedish | |
English | resist, withstand |
Spanish | resistir |
mitte suitsetaja Estonian | |
Swedish | icke-rökare |