mořská oblast
Searched for mořská oblast in the dictionary.
morski viri Slovenian | |
Czech | mořské zdroje |
Danish | havets ressourcer |
Dutch | rijkdom van de zee |
English | resources of the sea |
Finnish | meren luonnonvarat |
French | ressource de la mer |
German | Meeresschätze |
Greek | θαλάσσιoι πόρoι |
Hungarian | tengeri források |
Italian | risorse del mare |
Latvian | jūras resursi |
Polish | zasoby morskie |
Portuguese | recursos marítimos |
Spanish | recurso marino |
Swedish | havets tillgångar |
morski prevoz Slovenian | |
Czech | námořní doprava |
Danish | søtransport |
Dutch | vervoer over zee |
English | maritime transport |
Finnish | meriliikenne |
French | transport maritime |
German | Beförderung auf dem Seeweg |
Greek | θαλάσσια μεταφoρά |
Hungarian | tengeri szállítás |
Italian | trasporto marittimo |
Latvian | jūras transports |
Polish | transport morski |
Portuguese | transporte marítimo |
Spanish | transporte marítimo |
Swedish | sjötransport |