Searched for motor-car in the dictionary.
Swedish: bil
motor-car English | |
Swedish | bil |
motor car English | |
Czech | automobil |
Danish | automobil |
Dutch | automobiel |
Finnish | auto |
French | automobile |
German | Automobil |
Greek | αυτoκίvητo |
Hungarian | autó |
Italian | automobile |
Latvian | automobilis |
Polish | samochód |
Portuguese | automóvel |
Slovenian | avtomobil |
Spanish | automóvil |
Swedish | bil |
motor-race English | |
Swedish | biltävling |
motor coach English | |
Swedish | buss, turistbuss |
motorsåg Swedish | |
English | chainsaw |
motorist English | |
Swedish | bilist |
motorcycle English | |
Swedish | motorcykel |
metric English | |
German | metrisch |
Swedish | meter |
moderskab Danish | |
Czech | mateřství |
Dutch | moederschap |
English | motherhood |
Finnish | äitiys |
French | maternité |
German | Mutterschaft |
Greek | μητρότητα |
Hungarian | anyaság |
Italian | maternità |
Latvian | mātes stāvoklis |
Polish | macierzyństwo |
Portuguese | maternidade |
Slovenian | materinstvo |
Spanish | maternidad |
Swedish | moderskap |
motorcykel Swedish | |
English | motorbike, motorcycle |
Spanish | motorcicleta |
meteoric English | |
Swedish | oerhörd, kometartad, meteor- |
matriser Swedish | |
English | matrices |
mot rost Swedish | |
French | antirouille |
moderskap Swedish | |
Czech | mateřství |
Danish | moderskab |
Dutch | moederschap |
English | motherhood |
Finnish | äitiys |
French | maternité |
German | Mutterschaft |
Greek | μητρότητα |
Hungarian | anyaság |
Italian | maternità |
Latvian | mātes stāvoklis |
Polish | macierzyństwo |
Portuguese | maternidade |
Slovenian | materinstvo |
Spanish | maternidad |
moturs Swedish | |
English | counterclockwise |
matrices English | |
Swedish | matriser |
motorcyckel Swedish | |
English | motorbike |
matrikel Danish | |
Czech | katastr nemovitostí |
Dutch | kadaster |
English | land register |
Finnish | kiinteistörekisteri |
French | cadastre |
German | Kataster |
Greek | δημόσιo κτηματoλόγιo |
Hungarian | ingatlan-nyilvántartás |
Italian | catasto |
Latvian | zemes reģistrs |
Polish | kataster |
Portuguese | cadastro |
Slovenian | zemljiški kataster |
Spanish | catastro |
Swedish | fastighetsregister |
mattress English | |
Spanish | colchón |
Swedish | madrass |
matrix English | |
German | Matritze |
Swedish | matris |
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