Searched for motorcyckel in the dictionary.
English: motorbike
motorcyckel Swedish | |
English | motorbike |
motorcykel Swedish | |
English | motorbike, motorcycle |
Spanish | motorcicleta |
motorcycle English | |
Swedish | motorcykel |
motorcykeln Swedish | |
French | la moto |
German | das Motorrad |
Spanish | la motocicleta |
motorcicleta Spanish | |
Swedish | motorcykel |
matrikel Swedish | |
French | annuaire |
Swedish | namnförteckning |
matrikel Danish | |
Czech | katastr nemovitostí |
Dutch | kadaster |
English | land register |
Finnish | kiinteistörekisteri |
French | cadastre |
German | Kataster |
Greek | δημόσιo κτηματoλόγιo |
Hungarian | ingatlan-nyilvántartás |
Italian | catasto |
Latvian | zemes reģistrs |
Polish | kataster |
Portuguese | cadastro |
Slovenian | zemljiški kataster |
Spanish | catastro |
Swedish | fastighetsregister |
motor-car English | |
Swedish | bil |
motor car English | |
Czech | automobil |
Danish | automobil |
Dutch | automobiel |
Finnish | auto |
French | automobile |
German | Automobil |
Greek | αυτoκίvητo |
Hungarian | autó |
Italian | automobile |
Latvian | automobilis |
Polish | samochód |
Portuguese | automóvel |
Slovenian | avtomobil |
Spanish | automóvil |
Swedish | bil |
motorcykelbana Swedish | |
English | speedway |
motor-race English | |
Swedish | biltävling |
motorcyklist Swedish | |
English | biker |
motorsåg Swedish | |
English | chainsaw |
motorist English | |
Swedish | bilist |
metersystem Swedish | |
English | metric system |
motor coach English | |
Swedish | buss, turistbuss |
matrices English | |
Swedish | matriser |
motorcycle crash English | |
Swedish | motorcykelolycka |
mother snake English | |
Swedish | mamma orm |
modersmål Swedish | |
Czech | mateřský jazyk |
Danish | modersmål |
Dutch | moedertaal |
English | native language, native speech, mother tongue |
Finnish | äidinkieli |
French | langue maternelle |
German | Muttersprache |
Greek | μητρική γλώσσα |
Hungarian | anyanyelv |
Italian | lingua materna, madrelingua |
Latvian | dzimtā valoda |
Polish | język ojczysty |
Portuguese | língua materna |
Croatian | màterinski jèzik |
Slovenian | materinščina |
Spanish | la lengua, lengua materna, lengua |
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