Searched for motsade in the dictionary.
English: contradicted
motsade Swedish | |
English | contradicted |
motsats Swedish | |
English | opposite, contrast, oppsite, in contrast |
French | antipode, antithèse, antonyme |
Italian | contrario |
Spanish | opuesto |
motsatt Swedish | |
English | opposite, reverse, opposed, contrary |
French | adverse |
Spanish | encontrado |
motstå Swedish | |
English | resist, withstand |
Spanish | resistir |
matsedel Swedish | |
English | menu |
motsatsen Swedish | |
English | the opposite, the reverse |
French | le contraine |
German | der Gegensatz |
Spanish | lo contrario |
mitigate English | |
Swedish | mildra |
motstycke Swedish | |
English | pendant, exceptional |
matskeden Swedish | |
German | der Esslöffel |
motighet Swedish | |
Spanish | brranca, barranco |
modeste French | |
Swedish | enkel |
matsked Swedish | |
English | tablespoon |
French | cuiller à soupe |
German | Esslöffel |
matsedeln Swedish | |
German | die Speisekarte |
modesto Italian | |
Swedish | anspråkslös, enkel |
modesty English | |
Swedish | blygsamhet, anspråkslöshet |
motståndet Swedish | |
German | der Widerstand, die Abwehr |
motsatserna Swedish | |
German | der Gegensätze |
metsitys Finnish | |
Czech | zalesňování |
Danish | tilplantning med skov |
Dutch | bebossing |
English | afforestation |
French | boisement |
German | Aufforstung |
Greek | δάσωση |
Hungarian | erdőtelepítés |
Italian | imboschimento |
Latvian | apmežošana |
Polish | zalesianie |
Portuguese | arborização |
Slovenian | pogozdovanje |
Spanish | reforestación |
Swedish | skogsplantering |
midst English | |
German | inmitten[Preposition] |
Swedish | mitt i |
modestly English | |
Swedish | anspråkslöst, blygsamt |
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