Searched for närbelägen in the dictionary.
English: nearby, neighbouring, French: adjacent, adjacente
närbelägen Swedish | |
English | nearby, neighbouring |
French | adjacent, adjacente |
närbild Swedish | |
English | close-up, close up, close-up shot |
när väl Swedish | |
English | once, by the time |
när...väl Swedish | |
English | once |
närpolis Swedish | |
Czech | občanská policie |
Danish | nærpoliti |
Dutch | wijkpolitie |
English | neighbourhood police |
Finnish | lähipoliisi |
French | police de proximité |
German | bürgernahe Polizei |
Greek | αστυvoμία της γειτovιάς |
Hungarian | szomszédságpolitika |
Italian | polizia di prossimità |
Latvian | vietējā policija |
Polish | policja bliższa obywatelowi |
Portuguese | polícia de proximidade |
Slovenian | policijski okoliš |
Spanish | policía de proximidad |