nature's course

Searched for nature's course in the dictionary.
Swedish: naturens gång

The dictionary on is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

nature's course English

Swedishnaturens gång

naturresurs Swedish

Englishnatural resource

naturressourcer Danish

Czechpřírodní zdroje
Dutchnatuurlijke reserves
Englishnatural resources
Frenchressource naturelle
Germannatürliche Ressourcen
Greekφυσικoί πόρoι
Hungariantermészeti erőforrások
Italianrisorse naturali
Latviandabas resursi
Polishzasoby naturalne
Portugueserecursos naturais
Sloveniannaravni viri
Spanishrecurso natural