nemzeti jog

Searched for nemzeti jog in the dictionary.
English: national law, German: nationales Recht, French: droit national, Spanish: Derecho nacional, Italian: diritto nazionale, Greek: εθvικό δίκαιo, Czech: národní právo

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nemzeti jog Hungarian

Czechnárodní právo
Danishnational ret
Dutchnationaal recht
Englishnational law
Finnishkansallinen oikeus
Frenchdroit national
Germannationales Recht
Greekεθvικό δίκαιo
Italiandiritto nazionale
Latvianvalsts tiesību akti
Polishprawo krajowe
Portuguesedireito nacional
Sloveniannacionalno pravo
SpanishDerecho nacional
Swedishnationell rätt

nemzetek joga Hungarian

Czechvnitrostátní právo
Englishlaw of nations
Finnishvaltioiden oikeus
Frenchdroit des États
GermanRecht der Staaten
Greekδικαίωμα τωv κρατώv
Italiandiritto degli Stati
Latvianvalstu tiesību akti
Polishprawo państw
Portuguesedireito dos Estados
Slovenianpravo držav
SpanishDerecho de los Estados

nemzetközi jog Hungarian

Czechmezinárodní právo
Danishinternational ret
Dutchinternationaal recht
Englishinternational law
Finnishkansainvälinen oikeus
Frenchdroit international
Germaninternationales Recht
Greekδιεθvές δίκαιo
Italiandiritto internazionale
Latvianstarptautisko tiesību akti
Polishprawo międzynarodowe
Portuguesedireito internacional
Slovenianmednarodno pravo
SpanishDerecho internacional
Swedishinternationell rätt

nemzeti adó Hungarian

Czechcelostátní daň
Danishnational skat
Dutchnationale belasting
Englishnational tax
Finnishkansallinen vero
Frenchimpôt national
Greekεθvικός φόρoς
Italianimposta nazionale
Latvianvalsts nodoklis
Polishpodatek państwowy
Portugueseimposto nacional
Sloveniannacionalni davek
Spanishimpuesto nacional
Swedishnationell skatt

nemzeti park Hungarian

Czechnárodní park
Dutchnationaal park
Englishnational park
Frenchparc national
Greekεθvικό πάρκo
Italianparco nazionale
Latviannacionālais parks
Polishpark narodowy
Portugueseparque nacional
Sloveniannarodni park
Spanishparque nacional

nemzeti valuta Hungarian

Czechnárodní měna
Danishnational valuta
Dutchnationale valuta
Englishnational currency
Finnishkansallinen valuutta
Frenchmonnaie nationale
Greekεθvικό vόμισμα
Italianmoneta nazionale
Latvianvalsts valūta
Polishwaluta krajowa
Portuguesemoeda nacional
Sloveniannacionalna valuta
Spanishmoneda nacional
Swedishnationell valuta

nemzeti kiadás Hungarian

Czechstátní výdaje
Dutchnationale uitgaven
Englishnational expenditure
Finnishkansalliset menot
Frenchdépense nationale
Greekεθvική δαπάvη
Italianspesa nazionale
Latvianvalsts izdevumi
Polishwydatki państwowe
Portuguesedespesa nacional
Sloveniandržavni izdatki
Spanishgasto nacional
Swedishstatlig utgift