nigdy nie
Searched for nigdy nie in the dictionary.
German: nie
nigdy nie Polish | |
German | nie |
night time English | |
Swedish | natt |
night-time English | |
Swedish | nattetid |
nightmare English | |
Swedish | mardröm, mara |
nicotine English | |
Swedish | nikotin |
nighttime English | |
Swedish | nattlig |
nicht mal German | |
Swedish | inte ens |
nightmar English | |
Swedish | mardröm |
nikotynizm Polish | |
Czech | kouření |
Danish | tobaksmisbrug |
Dutch | nicotineverslaving |
English | smoking |
Finnish | tupakointi |
French | tabagisme |
German | Nikotinsucht |
Greek | vικoτιvίαση |
Hungarian | dohányzás |
Italian | tabagismo |
Latvian | smēķēšana |
Portuguese | tabagismo |
Slovenian | kajenje |
Spanish | tabaquismo |
Swedish | rökning |
nightmares English | |
Swedish | mardrömmar |
nikotin Swedish | |
English | nicotine |
nightingale English | |
Swedish | näktergal |
nazadnje Slovenian | |
Swedish | senast |
nicht mehr German | |
Polish | już nie |
Portuguese | já não |
Swedish | inte längre |
næsten Danish | |
Swedish | nästan |
nos dan Spanish | |
Swedish | de ger oss |
nachdenken German | |
English | meditate |
Finnish | miettiä |
Swedish | tänka efter |
nästan Swedish | |
Danish | næsten |
English | almost, nearly, nigh, kind of, rather, just about |
French | presque, quasi, á peu prés |
German | fast, nahezu |
Italian | quasi |
Latin | paene |
Spanish | casi |
negation English | |
Swedish | förnekande |
någoting Swedish | |
English | anything |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.