orvosi műhiba

Searched for orvosi műhiba in the dictionary.

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

orvosi műhiba Hungarian

Czechchyba lékaře
Danishmedicinsk fejl
Dutchmedische fout
Englishmedical error
Frencherreur médicale
Germanärztlicher Behandlungsfehler
Greekιατρικό σφάλμα
Italianerrore medico
Latvianmedicīniska kļūda
Polishbłąd medyczny
Portugueseerro médico
Slovenianzdravniška napaka
Spanisherror médico

orvosi jog Hungarian

Czechlékařské právo
Danishmedicinsk jura
Dutchmedisch recht
Englishmedical law
Finnishlääketieteellinen lainsäädäntö
Frenchdroit médical
Greekιατρικό δίκαιo
Italiandiritto sanitario
Latvianmedicīniskās tiesības
Polishprawo ochrony zdrowia
Portuguesedireito médico
Slovenianmedicinsko pravo
SpanishDerecho médico
Swedishmedicinsk rätt

orvosi adatok Hungarian

Czechlékařské údaje
Danishmedicinske data
Dutchmedische gegevens
Englishmedical data
Frenchdonnées médicales
Germanmedizinische Daten
Greekιατρικά στoιχεία
Italiandati medici
Latvianmedicīniskie dati
Polishdane medyczne
Portuguesedados médicos
Slovenianzdravstveni podatki
Spanishdatos médicos
Swedishmedicinska uppgifter

orvosi kutatás Hungarian

Czechlékařský výzkum
Danishmedicinsk forskning
Dutchmedische research
Englishmedical research
Finnishlääketieteellinen tutkimus
Frenchrecherche médicale
Germanmedizinische Forschung
Greekιατρική έρευvα
Italianricerca medica
Latvianmedicīnas pētniecība
Polishbadania w medycynie
Portugueseinvestigação médica
Slovenianmedicinske raziskave
Spanishinvestigación médica
Swedishmedicinsk forskning