Searched for påfrestning in the dictionary.
English: strain, stress, hardship
påfrestning Swedish | |
English | strain, stress, hardship |
påfrestande Swedish | |
English | punishing, strenuous |
på resturang Swedish | |
French | au resturant |
på riktigt Swedish | |
English | actually, for real |
French | pour de vrai, réellement |
Spanish | de verdad |
prestani Croatian | |
German | hör auf |
prestige Swedish | |
Swedish | anseende, respekt |
prestige French | |
Swedish | prestigen |
prusten German | |
Swedish | stånka |
prsten Croatian | |
German | Ring |
prstima Croatian | |
German | mit den Fingern |
prestopiti Slovenian | |
Swedish | byta, att byta |
prestopi Slovenian | |
Swedish | byter |
prestolnica Slovenian | |
Czech | metropole |
Danish | metropol |
Dutch | metropool |
English | metropolis |
Finnish | suurkaupunki |
French | métropole |
German | Metropole |
Greek | μητρόπoλη |
Hungarian | metropolisz |
Italian | metropoli |
Latvian | metropole |
Polish | metropolia |
Portuguese | metrópole |
Spanish | metrópoli |
Swedish | metropol |
presto Italian | |
Swedish | tidigt, snabbt |
poorest English | |
Swedish | fattigast |
prestar Spanish | |
Swedish | låna ut |
parachuting English | |
Swedish | fallskärmshoppning |
prestigen Swedish | |
French | prestige |
presto English | |
Swedish | hastigt |
proceeding English | |
Swedish | fortsätta, förfarande |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.