pilot survey
Searched for pilot survey in the dictionary.
Swedish: pilotundersökning
pilot survey English | |
Swedish | pilotundersökning |
pilot study English | |
Swedish | förstudie |
pilot scheme English | |
Swedish | försöksverksamhet, pilotprojekt |
platser Swedish | |
English | positions, locations, spots, seats |
German | Plätze |
Italian | posti |
Spanish | sitios |
platsen Swedish | |
English | premises, spacing, the place |
French | la place, l'endroit, le lieu |
German | der Platz, die Stelle |
Italian | il posto |
Spanish | el sitio |
platserna Swedish | |
German | die Plätze |
pilates Swedish | |
Estonian | pilaates |
palatset Swedish | |
Spanish | el palacio |
politesse French | |
Swedish | artigheten, artighet, hövlighet |