poisson de mer

Searched for poisson de mer in the dictionary.
English: sea fish, German: Seefisch, Spanish: pescado de mar, Italian: pesce di mare, Greek: θαλάσσιo ψάρι, Czech: mořská ryba, Danish: saltvandsfisk

The dictionary on Spellic.com is made from the words that the users themselves enter. At the moment there are more than 210 000 unique words totally, in more than 20 languages!

poisson de mer French

Czechmořská ryba
Englishsea fish
Greekθαλάσσιo ψάρι
Hungariantengeri hal
Italianpesce di mare
Latvianjūras zivis
Polishryba morska
Portuguesepeixe de água salgada
Slovenianmorska riba
Spanishpescado de mar

passande med Swedish

Englishin keeping with

poisoned English

Swedishförgiftat, förgiftad