Searched for poliser in the dictionary.
English: policemen
poliser Swedish | |
English | policemen |
policier French | |
Swedish | deckare, polis |
pulsera Swedish | |
English | pulse |
pulcher Latin | |
Swedish | snygg, vacker |
poliskår Swedish | |
English | police force, police |
plasir French | |
Swedish | nöje |
pulsera Spanish | |
Swedish | armband |
pliserad Swedish | |
English | pleated |
plissera Swedish | |
English | pleat |
placera Swedish | |
English | place, manoeuver, put, position, lodge, mount, plant, set, settle |
French | poser |
German | anbringen |
Spanish | colocar, situar |
peligro Spanish | |
Swedish | fara |
pulgar Spanish | |
English | thumb |
Swedish | tumme |
plisserad Swedish | |
English | pleated |
pälsar Swedish | |
English | fur coats |
placere Latin | |
German | gefallen |
plågar Swedish | |
English | harasses, plagues, torments, torment, vexes |
placerar Swedish | |
English | puts |
pulchra Latin | |
Swedish | snygg, vacker |
plejeret Danish | |
Czech | právo dozoru |
Dutch | hoederecht |
English | custody |
Finnish | lapsenhuolto-oikeus |
French | droit de garde |
German | Sorgerecht |
Greek | δικαίωμα επιμέλειας |
Hungarian | szülői felügyeleti jog |
Italian | diritto di affidamento |
Latvian | aizbildnība |
Polish | prawo opiekuńcze |
Portuguese | direito de custódia |
Slovenian | skrbništvo |
Spanish | derecho de custodia |
Swedish | vårdnad |
placard French | |
Swedish | skåp |
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