port of call
Searched for port of call in the dictionary.
Swedish: angöringshamn
port of call English | |
Swedish | angöringshamn |
portfölj Swedish | |
English | briefcase, portfolio, brifecase |
French | serviette |
German | Aktenmappe, Aktentasche |
Croatian | tórba |
part of English | |
Swedish | del av, en del av |
part off English | |
Swedish | en del av |
portefeuille French | |
Swedish | plånbok |
port de bras French | |
Swedish | armföring |
portvakt Swedish | |
English | porter |
Spanish | portera |
portabel Swedish | |
English | portable |
portfolio Swedish | |
English | portfolio |
portable English | |
Swedish | bärbar, flyttbar, portabel |
portabel English | |
Swedish | bärbara |
part of speech English | |
Swedish | ordklass |
portfolio English | |
Swedish | portfölj, portfolio |
part of a book English | |
Swedish | del av en bok |
por tu bien Spanish | |
Swedish | för ditt eget bästa |
portable French | |
Swedish | bärbar, mobil, mobiltelefon |