Searched for portus in the dictionary.
Swedish: hamn
portus Latin | |
Swedish | hamn |
ports English | |
Swedish | portar, hamnstäder |
partus Latin | |
Swedish | förlossning, födelse |
parts English | |
Swedish | delar |
portugis Swedish | |
English | portuguese |
French | portugais |
partes Spanish | |
Swedish | du delar |
porticus Latin | |
Swedish | portik, pelargång |
peritus Latin | |
Swedish | skicklig |
portik Swedish | |
Latin | porticus, porticu |
partís Spanish | |
Swedish | ni delar |
portugais French | |
Swedish | portugis |
parties English | |
Swedish | fester |
partisk Swedish | |
English | warped, biased |
Swedish | jävig, orättvis |
portico English | |
Swedish | pelargång |
porticu Latin | |
Swedish | portik, pelargång |
pirates English | |
Swedish | pirater |
periods English | |
Swedish | perioder, menstruationer |
partake English | |
Swedish | delta |
portuguese English | |
German | portugiesisch |
Swedish | portugis |
partisan English | |
Swedish | frihetskämpe, partisan |
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