Searched for potatisomelett in the dictionary.
Spanish: tortilla
potatisomelett Swedish | |
Spanish | tortilla |
potatismos Swedish | |
English | mashed-potatoes, mash, mashed potatoes |
Spanish | puré de papas |
potatisen Swedish | |
English | the potato |
French | la pomme de terre |
German | die Kartoffel |
Spanish | la patata |
potatissallad Swedish | |
English | potato salad, potato sallad |
potatismjöl Swedish | |
English | potato starch |
potatisen English | |
Spanish | la patata |
potatis Swedish | |
Czech | brambor |
Danish | kartoffel |
Dutch | de aardappel, aardappel |
English | potatoes, potato |
Finnish | peruna, perunan |
French | des pommes de terre, pomme de terre |
German | die Kartoffel, Kartoffel |
Greek | γεώμηλo |
Hungarian | burgonya |
Italian | patata |
Latvian | kartupelis |
Polish | ziemniak |
Portuguese | batata |
Russian | картофель |
Croatian | krùmpir |
Slovak | zemiak |
Slovenian | krompir |
Lule Sami | perun |
Spanish | patatas, patata, papa, patatas fristas, papas, patas |
Turkish | patates |
potatisar Swedish | |
English | potatoes |
Spanish | patatas |
potatisrätten Swedish | |
German | das Kartoffelgericht |
potatissalladen Swedish | |
German | der Kartoffelsalat |
potatisarna Swedish | |
German | die Kartoffeln |
potatispuré Swedish | |
English | mashed potatoes |
potatischips Swedish | |
English | crisps |
potatoes English | |
Swedish | potatis, potatisar |