precis som du
Searched for precis som du in the dictionary.
English: just like you
precis som du Swedish | |
English | just like you |
precis som Swedish | |
English | just like, just as |
precis nu Swedish | |
English | just now |
precis i tid Swedish | |
English | just in time |
precis så som Swedish | |
German | genauso wie |
precis så Swedish | |
German | genauso, genau so |
precis lika Swedish | |
German | genauso |
precis där Swedish | |
English | right there, just where, right where |
precision Swedish | |
English | nicet |
precis här Swedish | |
English | right here |
Spanish | aqui mismo, aquí mismo |
precis bara Swedish | |
Croatian | tèk |
precis då Swedish | |
English | just then |
precioso Spanish | |
Swedish | underbar, vacker, fin, ädel, dyrbar |
precisly English | |
Swedish | just |
prices policy English | |
Czech | cenová politika |
Danish | prispolitik |
Dutch | prijsbeleid |
Finnish | hintapolitiikka |
French | politique des prix |
German | Preispolitik |
Greek | πoλιτική τιμώv |
Hungarian | árpolitika |
Italian | politica dei prezzi |
Latvian | cenu politika |
Polish | polityka cenowa |
Portuguese | política de preços |
Slovenian | cenovna politika |
Spanish | política de precios |
Swedish | prispolitik |
precisamente Spanish | |
Swedish | precis |
precisely English | |
Russian | именно |
precious stones English | |
Czech | drahokamy |
Danish | ædelsten |
Dutch | edelsteen |
Finnish | jalokivi |
French | pierre précieuse |
German | Edelstein |
Greek | πoλύτιμoς λίθoς |
Hungarian | drágakő |
Italian | pietra preziosa |
Latvian | dārgakmeņi |
Polish | kamień szlachetny |
Portuguese | pedra preciosa |
Slovenian | dragi kamni |
Spanish | piedra preciosa |
Swedish | ädelsten |
precis Swedish | |
Danish | lige, nøjagtig |
English | right, exactly, due, punctual, just, absolutely |
French | pile, précis, juste |
German | genau, eben, gerade |
Croatian | ùpravo |
Slovenian | prav |
Spanish | precisamente, exacto |
precios Spanish | |
Czech | ceny |
Danish | pris |
Dutch | prijs |
English | prices |
Finnish | hinnat |
French | prix |
German | Preis |
Greek | τιμή |
Hungarian | ár |
Italian | prezzo |
Latvian | cenas |
Polish | cena |
Portuguese | preços |
Slovenian | cene |
Swedish | priser, pris |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.