prescripción del delito
Searched for prescripción del delito in the dictionary.
prescripción del delito Spanish | |
Czech | promlčení |
Danish | retsfrist |
Dutch | verjaring van de vordering |
English | limitation of legal proceedings |
Finnish | kanneoikeuden vanhentuminen |
French | prescription d'action |
German | Verfolgungsverjährung |
Greek | παραγραφή της αξιώσεως |
Hungarian | elévülés |
Italian | prescrizione dell'azione |
Latvian | tiesvedības noilgums |
Polish | przedawnienie |
Portuguese | prescrição de acção |
Slovenian | zastaranje kazenskega pregona |
Swedish | åtalspreskription |
prescription de peine French | |
Czech | promlčení výkonu trestu |
Danish | strafforældelse |
Dutch | strafverjaring |
English | barring of penalties by limitation |
Finnish | rangaistuksen täytäntöönpanon vanhentuminen |
German | Strafvollstreckungsverjährung |
Greek | παραγραφή της πoιvής |
Hungarian | büntetés elévülése |
Italian | prescrizione della pena |
Latvian | atbrīvošana no soda noilguma dēļ |
Polish | ułaskawienie |
Portuguese | prescrição da pena |
Slovenian | zastaranje izvršitve kazni |
Spanish | prescripción de la pena |
Swedish | påföljdspreskription |