Searched for preservative in the dictionary.
German: Konservierungsstoff, French: agent de conservation, Spanish: agente de conservación, Italian: agente conservante, Greek: συvτηρητικό, Czech: konzervační prostředek
preservative English | |
Czech | konzervační prostředek |
Danish | konserveringsmiddel |
Dutch | conserveringsmiddel |
Finnish | säilöntäaine |
French | agent de conservation |
German | Konservierungsstoff |
Greek | συvτηρητικό |
Hungarian | tartósítószer |
Italian | agente conservante |
Latvian | konservants |
Polish | środek konserwujący |
Portuguese | conservante |
Slovenian | konzervans |
Spanish | agente de conservación |
Swedish | konserveringsmedel |
preservatives English | |
Swedish | konserveringsmedel |
preservation English | |
Swedish | bevarande |
preserve English | |
Finnish | säilöä |
Swedish | bevara, bibehålla, konservera, sylta, reservat |
preserving English | |
Swedish | inkokning |
prescribe English | |
Swedish | ordinera, påbjuda |
preserves English | |
Swedish | sylt |
prescrire French | |
Swedish | skriva ut |
prescription English | |
German | Verordnung, Vorschrift |
Swedish | recept, föreskrift, läkarrecept, medicinrecept |
preserved English | |
Swedish | bevarad, konserverat |
progressive English | |
Swedish | progressiv, tillväxande, progressiva |
prescribed English | |
Swedish | ordinerad |
procreate English | |
Swedish | fortplanta sig |
presque rien French | |
Swedish | nästan ingenting |
preiswert German | |
Swedish | prisvärd, billig, billigt |
por suerte Spanish | |
Swedish | lyckligtvis, som tur är |
progressiva Swedish | |
English | progressive |
Swedish | tillväxande |
programme English | |
Swedish | spelplan, program |
programfile English | |
Swedish | programfil |
progressiv Swedish | |
English | progressive |
Swedish | framstegsvänlig |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.