pros and cons
Searched for pros and cons in the dictionary.
Swedish: för- och nackdelar
pros and cons English | |
Swedish | för- och nackdelar |
pressande Swedish | |
English | clentching |
French | abrutissant, abrutissante |
Spanish | apremiante |
prognos Swedish | |
English | forecast |
prisons English | |
Swedish | fängelser |
presentations English | |
Swedish | presentationer |
pregnancies English | |
Swedish | gravidteter |
presentaros Spanish | |
Swedish | att presentera er |
prisindeks Danish | |
Czech | cenový index |
Dutch | prijsindex |
English | price index |
Finnish | hintaindeksi |
French | indice des prix |
German | Preisindex |
Greek | δείκτης τιμώv |
Hungarian | árindex |
Italian | indice dei prezzi |
Latvian | cenu indekss |
Polish | indeks cen |
Portuguese | índice de preços |
Slovenian | indeks gibanja cen |
Spanish | índice de precios |
Swedish | prisindex |