Searched for proteger in the dictionary.
Swedish: skydda
proteger Spanish | |
Swedish | skydda |
protege French | |
Swedish | skyddsling |
protegee French | |
Swedish | skyddsling |
protest English | |
Swedish | protest, protestera |
protects English | |
Swedish | skyddar |
protests English | |
Swedish | protesterar |
protested English | |
Swedish | protesterade |
protector English | |
Swedish | beskyddare |
protesten Swedish | |
German | der Protest |
protected English | |
Swedish | skyddad, försvarad |
protector Spanish | |
Swedish | överbeskyddande |
protes- Swedish | |
English | prosthetic |
protect English | |
German | sichern, schützen |
Swedish | skydda, freda, beskydda |
protestar Spanish | |
Swedish | protestera |
protestera Swedish | |
English | object, protest, remonstrate |
German | protestieren |
Spanish | protestar |
partager French | |
Swedish | dela, aktie |
protest Swedish | |
English | protest, objection, objection to |
Russian | протест |
Croatian | pròsvjed |
producer English | |
German | Hersteller |
Swedish | producent |
produce Spanish | |
Swedish | han producerar |
producera Swedish | |
English | produce |
French | produire |
German | herstellen, produzieren |
Latin | gignere |
Spanish | producir |
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