Searched for prusten in the dictionary.
Swedish: stånka
prusten German | |
Swedish | stånka |
prsten Croatian | |
German | Ring |
prästen Swedish | |
German | der Geistliche, der Pfarrer, der Priester |
priset Swedish | |
German | der Preis |
Spanish | el premio, el precio |
pristak Swedish | |
English | ceiling |
prost Swedish | |
English | dean |
prst Czech | |
English | finger |
preset English | |
Swedish | förbestämd |
presto English | |
Swedish | hastigt |
prost Slovenian | |
Swedish | ledig |
pressed English | |
Swedish | nedtryckt |
prestani Croatian | |
German | hör auf |
prst Croatian | |
German | Finger |
prestera Swedish | |
English | achieve, produce |
prestigen Swedish | |
French | prestige |
prestar Spanish | |
Swedish | låna ut |
presto Italian | |
Swedish | tidigt, snabbt |
praktik Danish | |
Czech | zaškolování |
Dutch | opleidingsstage |
English | traineeship |
Finnish | koulutuskurssi |
French | stage de formation |
German | Berufspraktikum |
Greek | περίoδoς άσκησης |
Hungarian | szakmai gyakorlat |
Italian | tirocinio di formazione |
Latvian | ražošanas prakse |
Polish | staż szkoleniowy |
Portuguese | estágio de formação |
Slovenian | pripravništvo |
Spanish | prácticas de formación |
Swedish | praktik |
praktiken Swedish | |
German | die Praxis, der Praxis -en |
Priester German | |
English | priest |
A maximum of 20 results are shown.